
What is a task?

A task within the context of Simply Track Time is the combination of a time period, a reference and a code.

Simply Track Time has the notion that a task is either planned, an interruption or personal.

    1. Planned tasks are the ones that you set out to do at the start of your day.

    2. Interruptions are exactly that. You are working on a planned task and the phone rings, a co-worker asks a question or an email arrives. This is work that is important but you didn't plan on doing it at the start of the day.

    3. Personal tasks are things like lunch breaks.

Recording a task

Editing a task

Deleting a task

Resizing a task

Moving a task

Recording a task

To record a task you select the reference from the list of references

Next select a code from the code list

Editing a task

Open the task details window by double clicking the task. You can update:

    1. The reference

    2. The code

    3. The date and the start and finish time

    4. The activity type

    5. Any notes you wish to record

Deleting a task

Right click the task you want to delete from and select Delete from the context sensitive menu.

- or -

Select the task with the left mouse button and click the Delete button on the tool bar.

Resizing a task

You can do this if you want to lengthen a task during the course of the day.

  1. With the mouse.

  2. You select the task with the left mouse button - move the cursor to the bottom (- or top) of the task and the cursor will change to a double headed arrow. Holding down the left mouse button drag the bottom of the task down and release the mouse button when you have adjusted it.

  3. With the details pane.

  4. Double click the task, the task details window will open - you can change the starting time or ending time of the task to resize it.

Moving a task

You do this is the task has been recorded in the wrong spot and you want to relocate it.

  1. With the mouse.

  2. You select the task with the left mouse button and holding down the SHIFT key on the keyboard you can drag the task to the new spot you want it.

  3. With the details pane.

  4. Double click the task, the task details window will open - you can change the starting time and ending time of the task to move it to a new slot.

Then click the right mouse button and from the context menu select the task type.

Then select the time slot on the calendar for the starting point and with the left mouse button pressed drag out the rectangle to mark the task on the calendar.