Time 5 - Routine

A routine is a conscious way of doing things in a repetitive and specific order. Most often, routines are made up of several habits combined to reach a goal. A study published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information found that good daily habits early on in life lead to a successful life. In contrast, bad habits often lead to negative behaviour, such as dropping out of school. 

Establishing a healthy morning routine is a great way to improve your life and set yourself up for success. An example of a healthy routine is waking up at 7 am going for a 30-minute walk outside, taking a shower and then eating breakfast. This way, you begin your day with purpose and consistency, meaning that your life can be managed. Routines can help you cope with many struggles, such as change, stressful situations, and mental health. 

Stress levels can go through the roof when a routine is lacking in someone's life, and a sense of purpose can be seriously lacking. This can often lead to people wanting to self-medicate using drugs and alcohol, which is not a healthy coping mechanism. Creating daily routines when you wake up and just before sleep is an easy way to implement structure in your life. Therefore helping to protect yourself against harmful triggers. 

Overall implementing consistent routines into your daily life helps by reducing stress, creating a sense of purpose and overall making your life more manageable.