
Standard Reports

Open a report

Print a report

Customize a report

There are 2 standard reports

  1. Week - the time sheet for the currently selected week.

  2. Month - the time sheet for the currenlty selected month.

To open a report

  1. Select the date you are interested in on the calendar.

  2. Using the top menu select Reports and then either Week or Month.

  3. The report will open in a popup window.

You can print this to you default printer by clicking the Print Menu.

The report is ordered by Client, with the Units and Hours for each Client being subtotalled at the end of the client.

Any notes you have entered on the activity are displayed on the report.

To customize a report

Reports can be customize using XSLT - not for the faint hearted but you can have a look at this page to see how to do it.