Time 35 - Perception

Throughout history, humans' perception of material items has undergone significant changes. From the earliest days of civilisation to the present day, people have attached unique meanings to various things, and their significance has evolved.

In ancient times, people regarded particular objects as sacred, imbued with magical powers or spiritual significance. For example, ancient Egyptians believed that certain things, such as amulets and talismans, could protect them from harm and bring them good fortune. Similarly, many ancient cultures believed that precious metals and gemstones possessed mystical properties that could enhance their lives.

Material possessions became a sign of wealth and status in the Middle Ages. The more luxurious and expensive an object was, the more it reflected the owner's affluence and social standing. This trend continues today, with people often using material possessions to display wealth and success.

In recent years, however, a new trend has emerged, with people emphasising less material possessions and more on experiences. Today, many people value travel, adventure, and personal growth over owning material items. This value shift has been attributed to several factors, including the rise of social media, which has allowed people to share experiences and connect in new ways. Also, the increase in consumption is likely related to the lowered emphasis on martial items. 

In conclusion, our perception of material items has changed dramatically over time. From being viewed as sacred objects to symbols of wealth and status to being surpassed by experiences, material possessions' meaning has evolved with time. The trend towards experiences over material possessions will likely continue, with people valuing the intangible and meaningful over the material and superficial.