Multi User Support is coming

Post date: Aug 04, 2009 11:28:22 PM

Version 93 which was uploaded today includes support for multi user operations. Somewhat crazily it looks like MySql is going to be the easiest database to use for this as the deployment process is much simpler. But this is still being finalised.

The idea is that the first time the application is started the database complete with tables and user accounts is created automatically.

This is quite straight forward for SQL CE - the database that is used in standalone mode. It used to be quite straightforward using MSDE -not really an option now as support for it has dropped. But SQLExpress - what a nightmare! It seems the list of dependencies and the size of the downloads would be major barriers to using it.

Enter MySql, a smaller 30M download (compared with SQLExpress 2008 at 80M) and trivial silent installation options. The operating system support is more flexible as well. Simply Track Time is a windows forms application that uses the dot net framework, but it is intended to be used in operations that may not have a Windows(tm) Server.

Development of the deployment package is still a work in progress and the multi-user set up is not complete yet. In a future post I'll link to the documentation for doing this. In the meantime if you want to install a multi-user mode - let me know via the Contact Us page.