Time 28 - 90 years

You may have seen these graphics around. If you have not, it depicts a human life to 90 in months. Each dot represents a month, and as shown on the graph, a row is 36 months and therefore makes up three years. Now seeing what is probably longer than your generation's expected life length depicted in such a way might be scary. It seems too short just looking at this graph. Getting to age 50 and celebrating halfway to 100 is much more comforting than looking at how many months, weeks, or days you have left. 

However, others look at graphs like this with a much more positive mindset than the sense of impending doom that can set on. Some see it as a reminder that every day counts. While a work day on a Thursday might just feel like every other Thursday, it is still special in that you got to experience that day, and while you might not have done anything particularly special on that day, maybe you got to work, which will allow you to spend money on something nice that up-and-coming weekend. 

Charts like this can also be a constant reminder that although it can feel like we have an unlimited amount of days, as they fade into each other at an increasing speed, we don’t. Now this might be plainly obvious to some, but as a 19-year-old, some days it just feels like I am living the same day over and over again. If there is something to look forward to, then the days leading up to it do not matter, as the end goal is the prize. But looking at a chart like this really depicts the fleeting nature and the importance of each day.